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Partners are leading government and industry trade & investment organizations whose portfolio and client companies are internationalizing and entering new markets and countries. Partners support, connect, and advocate for internationalizing and market-entry companies. Partners are the hub of knowledge and relationships that helps facilitate soft landing and success for internationalizing  and market-entry companies.

Partners benefit from the:

  • Access to the member-only Slack channel to socialize needs and opportunities
  • Access to the Soft Land Partners (SLP) network and Market-Entry Marketplace to connect their portfolio and client companies to the global community of best in class resources
  • Access to the SLP Concierge for more personalized and curated connection
  • Logo and link on SLP website Partner page
  • Digital SLP partner badge to promote your affiliation

If you want to expand and upgrade your soft landing resource pool and add new solutions to your network follow this link to apply for partnership. There is no cost for partnership.